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  • Rajendra Pillai, Senior Pastor

Spring 2021 Update

In January and March, I had shared where we were. How the vision, mission, and values of our church will remain the same, while our strategies, ministry methods, and practices endlessly adapt to a changing world. The ultimate goal of All In has always been to reach people for Christ and help them take their next right step of growth.

And we are now at 94% of our giving goal. Way to go church – you’ve been extraordinarily generous and faithful in a tumultuous season. All I can say is “Yay God and Yay all of you!” Keep going strong. Don’t stop now.

Then, members of elders, trustees and staff spent the entire month of February in prayer. Over 14 hours in prayer because when we pray, something happens. We also continued with our monthly congregational prayer meetings. Then, during the months of March and April, we solicited bids and they’ve come in. Our Building Development Team spent a significant amount of time going through the details and evaluating all the bids.

So, where are we now? We are in a very interesting season. Cost of construction and building materials have skyrocketed this year. There is a lot of uncertainty as we evaluate the different options. So yesterday, our elders prayed and thoughtfully went through the many options. What will happen next is that over the next two months, our leaders and our staff are going to pour over details and see what adjustments do we need to make to continue to minister with greater effectiveness in a world that has so radically changed.

Come July-August, we will have some more details and overall financial projections and then take our next right step. So the next big step is in the July-August timeframe. We’ll keep you updated.

I am asking each of us who call DRCC their home church to hold this in a high priority prayer. Pray for clear direction, pray we become bold champions of the gospel, pray we clearly hear and obey the voice of the One to whom this church belongs, that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Because whatever else is happening in our rapidly changing world, and the world is a fast-changing place these days, know that this does not change—Jesus is the head of our church.

Now, I want to be clear that our goal is not the building or a second site or a microsite or an online presence. Those are all means to an end. The ultimate goal is to proclaim Christ and present everyone mature in Him. To be a place where all are welcome, no one is perfect, anything is possible.

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